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Every student will earn a grade at the end of each semester. 

These grades will fall in the following range:

  • 90% and up is an A

  • 80% and up is a B
  • 70% and up is a C
  • Below 70% is an incomplete
    • There are no "D's" or "F's" in Gradient Learning.

A student will earn an incomplete if:

  • He/she fails to turn in 100% of projects.
  • He/she fails to pass all of his/her power focus areas.
  • He/she has an average cognitive skill below grade level. 

Grades are always current on the Gradient Learning Platform. Your student has access to the Platform at all times. Elective grades will be posted in Infinite Campus. Information on the parent portal can be found on our district's website under the families tab.

If you have any questions or concerns about your students grades, give our front office a call and our office staff will be able to connect you with an administrator.