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Infinite Campus



    Infinite Campus Portal allows registered parent users access to pertinent information about their child's attendance, grades, homework assignments, assessments, immunization records, and more.


    Click HERE to access the Parent Portal


  • Parent Online Viewer Instructions

    1. Call or visit your child's school to get your Infinite Campus user name and initial password. If you have children in more than one school, you only need to contact one fo the schools (you may choose which to contact).
    2. School staff will ask you a few questions to verify your identity. 
    3. School staff will give you your Infinite Campus username and an initial password to use the first time you log in. 
    4. Go to the District 6 website,, and click on the Infinite Campus parent portal link prominently displayed on the main page. 
    5. Enter your username and password. Since you have already been given an account by the school staff, you do not need to use the "First time using Campus Portal" items above the username and password boxes.
    6. Follow the on-screen instructions to create your personal password.
    7. To view your child's information, click on the " Family" link in the left-hand panel. To view grades, click on the "Schedule" link. To sign-up for e-mail notifications, click on the "Change Contact Info" link. 
    8. Questions? Call your child's school or the district's help line at 970-348-6565.