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Student Arrival and Dismissal


Students should not arrive at school before 8:15 a.m. Students will be allowed in the building starting at 8:20 a.m. Supervision of students in front of the school will start at 8:15.  Students being dropped off by families and/or walking will enter through the main front doors. Students riding buses will enter through grade level doors in the back of the building. On arrival, students will get breakfast and move directly to their SDL classrooms.

Arrival Procedures

  • Admin will greet students at their grade level door. 
  • Students must immediately report to SDL room once they enter the building. 
  • Students will be expected to work quietly and independently on projects (both elective or core), PFAs, or Math content until school begins. 
  • Bathrooms are closed during this time unless given a pass. 
  • Breakfast: Students will be greeted at the door with a grab and go breakfast station. Students will get breakfast and head immediately to their classroom. 


Students will be dismissed by grade level: 6th graders (and athletes) will be released at 3:57 p.m., 7th graders at 3:58 p.m., and 8th graders at 3:59p.m..  Students getting picked up will leave through the front doors. Students riding buses will exit the south doors located closest to their grade level cohort towards the parking lot.  A student may walk directly to waiting vehicles in the parking lot or driveway.

Dismissal Procedures

  • Students will be dismissed by grade levels at the following times:
    • 6th, 7th, 8th grade at 3:59 p.m.
    • Athletes and AFter School Programs at 3:56 p.m.
  • Students riding the bus will leave their mentor classroom and immediately exit the building through their grade level door. 
  • Students who walk home or are picked up will immediately exit the building through the following exits:
    • 6th and 7th grade exit through the main doorways.
    • 8th grade exit through the south east door at the end of the 8th grade hall. 
  • Students participating in the afterschool activities will be dismissed at 3:56 p.m. These students will report immediately to the gym for athletics or the cafeteria for extended day programs.