Student Use of Cell Phones and Other Electronic Communications
The Board of Education believes personal technology devices may be useful tools for students in the educational environment and can play a vital communication role during emergency situations. However, use of personal technology devices (PTD) in school situations must be regulated to assure that the use of such devices does not disrupt or interfere with the educational process or school operations. Therefore, students may only use PTDs on district property, on a district vehicle or at a district or school-sponsored activity or event in accordance with this policy.
For purposes of this policy, “personal technology device" (PTD) includes any privately-owned portable technology device, including but not limited to cell phones, pagers, tablets, laptops, cameras, audio and/or video recorders and players, and all other hand-held electronic communication and data storage devices.
Students may use PTDs as a designated tool for learning if authorized by the student's teacher. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the PTD is turned off or placed in silent mode during unauthorized times.
Students’ use of PTDs with cameras and/or video recording capabilities is prohibited in locker rooms, bathrooms, or any other location where such use could violate another person's reasonable expectation of privacy.
Students shall not use PTDs to engage in, promote or facilitate any other conduct that violates the student code of conduct, other Board policies or regulations, or state or federal law.
Violation of this policy or any other district, school or classroom rule or regulation on student use of PTDs may result in disciplinary measures and/or temporary confiscation of the PTD. Confiscated devices shall be returned to the student only after a conference with the parent/guardian, student and school personnel. If the building principal or designee believes a student's possession or use of a PTD may involve a violation of the law, the building principal or designee may also refer the matter to law enforcement.
The district shall not be responsible for loss, theft or destruction of PTDs brought onto school or district property or while the student is attending district or school-sponsored activities or events. Please refer to Board policies JICJ, JIC, JIH, JK, and JS for more information regarding District 6 policies and procedures regarding the use of PTD at school or during school activities.