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Student Use of the Internet

Weld County School District 6 encourages students to use the Internet and electronic communications, such as e-mail, to help them with their schoolwork. Using the school computers and the Internet is a privilege, not a right. Students have no expectation of privacy when using the school’s computers. 

Students shall use district computers and computer systems in a responsible, efficient, ethical, and legal manner.  Students are expected to follow these rules: 

  • use the internet only when the teacher has given permission. 
  • tell the teacher immediately if they unintentionally access inappropriate material while using the Internet or electronic communications. 
  • never log in with someone else’s name and password. 
  • never give others personal information while using the Internet or electronic communications unless specifically approved by the teacher or counselor. 
  • never arrange face-to-face meetings with persons met on the Internet or through electronic communications. 
  • not use the internet or electronic devices to bully, harass, threaten, demean, or promote violence or hatred against another person or group of persons.
  • not vandalize technology equipment or the district network. This will result in cancellation of privileges and may result in school disciplinary action and/or legal action. 
  • only use licensed software provided by the school and not load any personal software onto the computer.