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End of Year Message 2024

End of Year Message Dr. Pilch

My favorite season isn’t Spring or Summer; it’s graduation season. I am filled with excitement and pride as I watch hundreds of our graduating seniors cross the stage. I love talking with soon-to-be graduates about their plans for the future, listening to their stories, tinged with a little fear and anxiety but filled with hope and anticipation. They are ready to start their lives on a new path, and I couldn’t be happier for them.

Dear District 6 Families:


My favorite season isn’t Spring or Summer; it’s graduation season. I am filled with excitement and pride as I watch hundreds of our graduating seniors cross the stage. I love talking with soon-to-be graduates about their plans for the future, listening to their stories, tinged with a little fear and anxiety but filled with hope and anticipation. They are ready to start their lives on a new path, and I couldn’t be happier for them.


As we draw to the close of the 2023-2024 school year, I am once again filled with gratitude for getting to lead Greeley-Evans School District 6 through another amazing year. It has been a busy year for our staff, students and families! I appreciate all the support and guidance you have provided your children this year. 


As I visited schools this year, I saw an abundance of creative instruction and learning opportunities for students. I witnessed students excited about learning, and planning for their future career and life. I heard stories of great success and hope as I spoke to students in their classrooms and at their activities. 


Here are just a few of the highlights of the 2023-2024 school year:


  • After five busy years of construction and remodeling, this summer will mark the end of our 2019 Bond Projects! We will be completing renovations on the final seven schools this summer and into the fall.This includes Fred Tjardes School of Innovation, Bella Romero Academy K-3, Brentwood Middle School, Centennial Elementary School, Early College Academy, Prairie Heights Middle School and the Greeley-Evans Alternative Program. Finishing these building projects is a huge celebration for District 6. We are grateful to the voters in Greeley and Evans who supported the bond issue in 2019.

  • District 6 opened two brand new schools this year, also thanks to the 2019 Bond Issue: James Madison STEAM Academy and Jefferson High School/Career and Technical Education Center. The CTE Center opened with five new career programs: Cosmetology, Welding, Information Technology (Cyber Security), Construction Trades (Electrical), and the Teacher Cadet program.

  • District 6 continued to feed all students for free this year, thanks to the passage of Proposition FF, approved by Colorado voters last year. District 6 served 1.3 million breakfasts and 2 million lunches this year!

  • Through its partnership with The Success Foundation Serving Greeley-Evans School, the final four SmartLabs will be installed this summer and fall in District 6. That will bring the total to 21 SmartLabs now in every elementary, middle and K-8 non-charter school in District 6.

  • Thanks to the Mill Levy Override, renewed by Greeley and Evans voters in 2022, more than 1,000 high school students have earned college credit for free by taking concurrent college courses.


We at District 6 are so grateful that you trust us with your children. We know we have work to do to ensure every child is learning and growing at their individual capacity, and we are committed to that work. We will spend the summer planning for the next school year, and will be ready to welcome your students back in August.


I hope you have a fun and restful summer break. See you soon!


Dr. Deirdre Pilch, Superintendent

Greeley-Evans School District 6


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