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Gradient Learning

"We are driven by one idea, bring whole student education to reality. Gradient Learning began when a group of educators had a vision for a better future. A vision where educators have the support they need to thrive. Where administrators and teachers work collaboratively with a common set of practices. And where education technology is integrated and accessible to the partners who need it- from teachers and principals to students and parents."

visit gradient learning

gradient learning login

To view your child/student’s progress, parents or guardians must register and set up their Canvas username and password. If you have completed registration and have your Canvas username & password, select Canvas on the login screen using the Gradient Learning login button above.

gradient learning parent account sign up

If you do not already have a canvas account use the gradient learning parent account signup button above and click the "parents sign up here" once on that page. Follow the instructions on screen to create a Canvas username and password to view your student's progress. 


English Language Arts & Social Studies

  • 90% are projects and assignments
  • 10% are power focus areas


  • 80% of a math course grade is based on a student's score in concept units
  • 20% of a math course grade is based on passing focus areas and assignments


  • 100% of a science course grade is based on a student’s score on summative assessments


  • By course


Click on the "look fors" to be taken to the SDL and Mentoring Look-fors your student will be assessed on!